Make your
opinion count

You can help us improve your health services

We’re listening to you

Your feedback is important to us and will help us to provide a quality service, which meets the needs of our patients and helps our staff to make continuous improvements at KGH.

The information you provide to us is moderated by our Patient Experience team and shared with the departments that you have visited. All completed forms are completely anonymous and your participation is voluntary. Thank you for your support.

Share your experience

Ask a member of staff for a form, feedback online or write to us. There are many ways to feedback your compliments and complaints to KGH.


Use the search bar above to find a ward or department, or click the 'Leave Feedback' button at the top of the screen.


Fill out our online Friends and Family test with any additional comments. Don't worry - you can remain anonymous if you wish to.


Submit your feedback and you'll receive an email confirming that the Kettering General Hospital team have received it.